Thursday 9th October 2025
Showground, Wadebridge

Access students reach new levels of success

In pursuit of their dream careers, Cornish students have battled the odds, juggling families and parenthood, home life and studying hard in order to secure university places.

Concluding their Access course journeys, Truro and Penwith College students bode farewell to fellow classmates with a final presentation to celebrate achievements and wish friends well in the future.

Hardworking Access students have endured a long year of intensive study, gaining the footing to apply for a university course without holding existing level three qualifications.

Cheryl Mewton, Director of Studies, is thrilled with Access students and has said “I am so extremely proud of you all, for your successes and fantastic achievements, I am sure you have made so many brilliant stories to tell in the near future.”

Maricica Popescu uprooted her life in Romania as a carer to study an Access course in Nursing at Truro College. She believed she could do better, so along with tackling English as her second language and raising a family and looking after her mother, Maricica did incredibly well in her course, and was presented a certificate by Tim Guy of The Duchy Health Charity, for most significant progress throughout the year.

Maricica said of her time: “The support has been amazing in Truro College! My tutor brought the best out of me, he believed I could do no more other then I could do it, he also told me nothing is impossible.”

Along with progressing onto various universities and jobs around the country, Access students are now also able to progress onto other courses within the College. Access to Art and Design students from Penwith College will all be returning in September to join the HNC Art & Design course.

Azure Barrett from Hayle, who studied Access to HE Creative Arts, said: “I had really enjoyed art at school and followed the arts for my A levels. Now that I have had my family I thought it was time to turn my passion – art – into a career. The Access course has helped me to build my confidence, knowledge and skills and I will be developing this further through the HNC and HND courses at Penwith. I hope to go into teaching or perhaps art therapy when I have completed my degree.”

Lucy Hartles, Azure’s lecturer said, “This course is a fast paced creative journey which can transform people’s outlook. It gives them confidence when they try new techniques and materials and find that they have a natural flare for it. The work that has been produced by this group is amazing and I am sure they will all be very successful at degree level.”

Congratulations to all Access Course students for their great work – if you are interested in turning a passion into a career, visit the website: