Thursday 9th October 2025
Showground, Wadebridge

Over 70% of stands booked within first month

Early signs indicate the 2016 Cornwall Business Show, to be held on St Patrick’s Day, Thursday 17th March, will be another hit.

Over 70% of the 109 stands for next year’s show, taking place the Royal Cornwall Showground, have already been booked – just a month after going on sale.

The show’s managing director, Andrew Weaver, said “It’s a very positive sign that we have had so much early interest and so many repeat bookings. It shows the event is now becoming well-established in the Cornish business calendar. Business is all about people and its already shaping up that we will be bring so many together again in March “.

Andrew added “We offer a great show package at a very cost effective price. Not only does the price include a stand at the show with all the essentials including electric and Wi-Fi, we also train people new to exhibiting in our half day ‘Exhibition Ready’ workshop and you get a full webpage profile on the ever expanding Cornwall Business Directory”.

The event will again be supported by Western Morning News and Pirate FM.

The price of a stand start at just £450 + vat for the main arena and £195 + vat for those exhibiting in the Feel Good healthy workplace zone.

Those who book their stands by November 27, 2015, will qualify for a free webpage profile on the new Cornwall Business Directory, valued at £195 + VAT

To find out more about the event and to request an exhibitor pack, please visit, email  or phone 01872 888733.