New National Scholarships Awarded at Truro & Penwith College
Truro and Penwith College has just awarded a prestigious Reading List Scholarship to two of its students, part of a scheme recently launched by a new national charity, The Reading List Foundation.
The awards will fund the student’s textbooks in their first year of study at university, and is awarded to a high-achieving student from a lower-income household about to go to University. The students – one each from the Truro and Penwith campuses – gained the award on the basis of their excellent A-level results, and will start at University this September, part of the first wave of students going to university in England without any student grant support.
The award to the Truro student was supported by regional solicitors firm Stephens Scown LLP, which has offices in Truro and St Austell. The award is one of three they have funded across the South West, based on nominations of schools and colleges from their staff. Robert Camp, Stephens Scown’s managing partner said: “Today’s students can find life tough, without the grants and financial support that used to be available. I hope that by providing funding for books we can take some of that pressure off, to allow the students to focus on making the most out of their university or college experience.”
The Exeter-based charity, supported by Blackwell’s bookshops and YouthSight, the student research agency, among others, was set up by three friends earlier this year. It looks to bridge the gap between older graduates who did not have to pay tuition fees (many of whom also graduated without any student debt), and younger students looking to follow in their footsteps while facing massive financial challenges. The Scholarships are funded by donations from individuals and businesses. For more details visit their website