Thursday 9th October 2025
Showground, Wadebridge

Poldark Guide’s social media reach on Twitter hits 822,000 for the first six months of 2017

Admaps Ltd, based in Wadebridge, Cornwall, launched their Poldark Guide website in 2015. This free to use site directs fans of the hit BBC show Poldark to the different filming locations used in Cornwall. One of the unique attributes helping the success of the site is its simplicity, free from both adverts and pop ups! 

To complement the website, Admaps Ltd also launched a Twitter account @poldarkguide which posts regular updates on existing and new filming locations. With over 16,000 followers it is now regarded as the leading account focused on the Poldark filming locations.

The beautiful imagery and shots of Cornwall shown on the Poldark Guide website and Twitter Account are of great interest to the fans planning on visiting Cornwall. There are very impressive demographic statistics for this Twitter account which show the audience is made up as follows:- 43% from the UK, 27% from North America, 8% from Europe and 3% from Australia/New Zealand.

For more information, visit the Poldark Guide website which can be found at and the Twitter Account is @poldarkguide