Thursday 9th October 2025
Showground, Wadebridge

Spring is the Season for New Beginnings

Spring is here and with that will comes lighter evenings and the feeling of longer days. Often at this time of year people look to spring clean, clear out the old and make room for new. That could be a physical clear out and tidy up or ideas that have been dormant over the winter and are now showing signs of growth.

How can we bring the feeling of spring and new beginnings into our places work? Here are some simple ideas and small changes to freshen up your work space and bring new vitality to your environment.

First, when was the last time you had the windows washed, inside and out? A simple job as this can make the room feel brighter and allow more natural light in.

Next clear out all the dust collectors and deep clean all the communal areas.

Then look at the decor. Even painting one wall a different colour can change the mood in the room. Is it time to freshen up your work space and bring new vitality to your surroundings

Use this time to decide if the layout of the room could be altered to allow a new flow of energy. If there is clutter can this be removed or furniture re positioned.

Even go as far as looking at what needs updating. A poor office chair will lead to bad posture and possible back issues later.

Consider ways to keep nature in sight, especially if you work in an area away from greenery.

Have pictures or artwork that include nature on the walls, change the screensaver or have some fresh flowers on the desk.

This is also the perfect time to share goals and bring new ideas that will bring growth and future rewards. Sometimes the smallest change over time can bring the best results and put a spring in our step.

This blog was provided by Emma Skilton Independent Consultant