Time For An Office Detox?
As we see the first signs of spring approaching many people consider this a good time for a detox. As many of us may be thinking our body could with a cleanse, how about the places we work in? Could it be time for an office detox?
Be mindful of how the environment can affect our health, from the air we breathe to the office snacks we indulge in to the computer screen and the lights we sit under.
Here are some ways to help detox your place of work.
Add some plants to the office area. Spider plants are great for cleansing the air and easy to grow, Peace lily is the most cleansing plant as well as Lemon balm, also known as Melissa as a wonderful uplifting fragrance.
Beeswax candles have been shown to clear the air and are also free of toxins found in petro-chemical based candles. Go for an unscented candle for best results. If it is not appropriate to have a flame in your workspace, a great alternative is an aroma diffuser with a cleansing or calming blend added. Uplifting and refreshing oils to consider include Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lavender, Mandarin, and Orange
Many of us use antibacterial soaps and hand sanitisers daily. Sadly they are the cause of many skin reactions because of the ingredients. Look for a natural hand sanitiser that avoids the use of toxic chemicals. There are plenty of herb and essential oil alternatives that have innate antibacterial properties.
Are your eyes affected by working with computer screens? Look after your eyes by using a supplement for good eye health that contains vitamin C and E plus omega-3 fatty acids.
A cooling eye gel can work wonders for instant relief. Look for one with white tea and eyebright to help with irritated, puffy or tired eyes.
Lastly stay away from the snack area. Take filtered water to work to drink and high energy protein snacks. Chia seeds are full of protein and omega-3 add them to salads or look for a low sugar energy bar that contains them.
This blog was provided by Emma Skilton Independent Consultant